
フランス ナポレオン3世(1852~70) 2Centimes銅貨 1862K PCGS-MS63RB UNC 未使用


商品名:フランス ナポレオン3世(1852~70) 2Centimes銅貨 1862K PCGS-MS63RB UNC 未使用

Fr-108a Gad-104 KM-796.6 青銅貨 月桂冠 ボルドー



ナポレオン3世(本名 : シャルル・ルイ=ナポレオン・ボナパルト、1808年 – 1873年)は、フランス第二共和政の大統領(在任 : 1848年 – 1852年)、フランス第二帝政の皇帝(在位 : 1852年 – 1870年)である。




Napoleon III (real name: Charles Louis-Napoleon · Bonaparte, 1808 – 1873) was the President of the Second Republic of France (1848 – 1852), Emperor of the Second Empire of France (Position: 1852 Year – 1870).

It is the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I), the emperor of the first empire of France. After the fall of Napoleon I in 1815, he exiled abroad, failed in armed uprising and forced him to live in prison. When the reign of 1848 reigned the royal government, he returned to France. As he was the only successor to Napoleon, he gradually gained popularity and won the President of the second French Republic in the presidential election of the same year. After that, in 1851 raised a coup against the National Assembly, exiled the Republican from Parliament and grasp the dictatorship power. In 1852 he empowered the emperor. Initially they had done authoritarian dictatorship, but gradually adopted liberal reforms from the 1860s. In terms of domestic affairs, in addition to approval of strikes right, partial approval of freedom of speech and association, as well as concluding a free trade treaty with other foreign countries in Europe, planning remodeling of Paris, establishing modern finance, laying railways, It contributed to industrial development. On the diplomatic front, in an effort to expand the influence of France by supporting the liberalism nationalism movement in various parts of Europe after the end of the Vienna regime by the Crimean war. He also endeavors to expand colonies and gains colonies in Africa and Asia, but calls for criticism due to the failure of Mexican dispatch. After that, it became a prisoner of the Prussian army in the French Prussian war broke out in 1870, the emperor ceased to exist, the second French empire collapsed.